The Cape Cod
- 4 x 6..... $2,415
- 6 x 8..... $3,029
- 8 x 8..... $3,644
- 8 x 10... $3,897
- 8' x 12' . $4,721
- 10x12.....$6,107
The Cape Cod Comes Standard With LP Smartside Siding, (2) Working Windows w/Safety Glass/Screens, Child & Adult Door, (2) Flower Boxes, (2) Dormers on the 4x6, 6x8, & 8x8, (3) Dormers on the 8x19, 8x12, & 10x12, Primed For Paint.
Playhouse Option
Chimney $44
Additional Window $69
Additional Shutter $24
Additional Flower Box $24
3rd Paint Color Choice $19
Loft $311 - $411
Deck and Raining $511 - $631
Cottages are only available prebuilt. We must have access to the site (see shed moving) for delivery and setup. Send request for delivery and setup pricing at your location
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